The Ida P. Rolf Method of Structural Integration

The Rolf Method exists as a series of 10 sessions designed to cultivate length and ease in the body. It is not necessary to receive all ten sessions, as many people feel results after one, two, or three visits. I’ve summarized the focus of each session below to give you a general idea of how this process works.

Each session has a focus, but any “spot treatments” that are needed can be included at any time.

Session 1: Emphasis is on the Breath. Free the ribcage for expansive breathing.

Session 2: Grounding. Focus is on the feet and lower leg so that weight can drop down through the body without hitting any roadblocks.

Session 3: Front to back balance.

Session 4: Attention is on the adductors and medial arch of the foot, creating support for the abdomen.

Session 5: Core work. Finding length and freedom in the abdomen and psoas.

Session 6: Establishing the posterior leg line and balancing the pelvis.

Session 7: Neck and Cranium.

Session 8: Full body integration with emphasis on the lower body.

Session 9: Full body integration with emphasis on the upper body.

Session 10: Full body integration.

I work within this series because it is designed to address any issues and imbalances in a logical sequence. However, there is flexibility within this structure to address any individual needs on the day.

“A body is a web, connecting everything with everything else.”